This report considers evidence presented in more detail elsewhere, particularly in Nos. 2 and 3 of Volume 9 of OTRU’s annual Monitoring and Evaluation series. A section devoted to each objective uses key indicators to summarize the current status and highlight project achievements. Progress is interpreted with reference to the targets of the MHPSG1 and there are frequent comparisons to progress in California, which has the best-developed tobacco control program in North America, if not the world. There is also a focus on the public health impact of project achievements, with attention to the two factors that contribute to impact – project reach and efficacy. Each section concludes by considering the implications of the evidence for (a) programs and policy and (b) research and evaluation.
Related Publications:
- 9th Annual Monitoring Report: Tobacco Control Highlights: Ontario and Beyond
- 9th Annual Monitoring Report: OTS Project Evaluations: A Coordinated Review
- 9th Annual Monitoring Report: Indicators of OTS Progress
Date: March 2004
Type of Publication: Strategy Monitoring Report