The Tobacco Control Environment: Ontario and Beyond is the first of four reports in this year’s Monitoring and Evaluation Series. This first report provides contextual information for the monitoring and evaluation of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS), describing policies and programs currently in place in Canadian provinces and territories. Although programmatic activity is an important component of a comprehensive tobacco control program, this report primarily provides an overview of provincial and territorial policies. This decision is a result of the challenges in assessing programmatic activity in jurisdictions across Canada.
Related Publications:
- 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Preface
- 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Main Table of Contents
- 10th Annual Monitoring Report: OTS Project Evaluations 2003-2004: A Coordinated Review
- 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Appendix B: Province-wide Projects
- 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Appendix C: Community Projects
- 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Indicators of OTS Progress
- 10th Annual Monitoring Report: OTS Progress and Implications, 2003-04
Date: November 2004
Type of Publication: Strategy Monitoring Report