OTRU has begun a new project to assess the implementation and impact of the new tobacco and e-cigarette policy measures being implemented in Ontario. This newsletter provides an overview of the new measures and outlines evaluation activities happenin
OTRU has been working with Smoke-Free Ontario partners to evaluate workplace-based smoking cessation demonstration projects in various public health units across Ontario. This newsletter reports on evaluation findings relevant to the construction sec
OTRU has been working with Smoke-Free Ontario partners to evaluate workplace-based smoking cessation demonstration projects in various public health units across Ontario. The workplace demonstration projects aimed to reduce present levels of smoking
This newsletter reports on a comparative evaluation of STOP program delivery in Addiction Agencies, Community Health Centres and Family Health Teams. The evaluation provides knowledge on the overall successes and challenges in the provision of cessat
OTRU is working with participating public health units, workplace leaders and other key partners to evaluate workplace-based tobacco use cessation demonstration projects in the construction, mining, manufacturing, hospitality and service sectors. Thi
This newsletter provides an overview of this Ontario-based smoking cessation project, outlines evaluation methods, highlights key findings and discusses successes and challenges. Related Publications: STOP Program Implementation in Three Health Care
This newsletter is the first of a series from OTRU’s Evaluation Support Team outlining OTRU’s evaluation and research services for Ontario’s Public Health Units, Tobacco Control Area Networks, and other tobacco Transfer Payment Agencies. The newslett
Smoking rates are higher among occupations in manufacturing, construction and service industry sectors. OTRU is working with participating public health units, workplace leaders and other key partners to evaluate a number of workplace-based, tobacco
This newsletter presents a summary of early and emerging findings among a preliminary sample of survey and in-depth interview participants in the Cessation Pathways study. The information presented here provides a preliminary overview only and should
This newsletter reports on key findings from a formative evaluation of how the Initiative has been implemented in public health units across the province. Related publications: Evaluation of a Youth Engagement Initiative to Promote Healthy Choices (V
This newsletter presents results from an evaluation of the Partnership to Assist with Cessation of Tobacco and Tobacco Addiction Recovery (PACT/TAR) program. Related publications: Evaluating the Saskatchewan Tobacco Reduction Strategy – Issue 1 Evalu
This newsletter presents summary findings on tobacco use, cessation, prevention and protection from the Comprehensive Mid-Term Strategy Progress Report (the Mid-Term Report). The information presented provides an overview only. Related publications:
This newsletter presents a summary of the evaluation plan for the Saskatchewan Tobacco Reduction Strategy. Related publications: Evaluating the Saskatchewan Tobacco Reduction Strategy – Issue 2 Evaluating the Saskatchewan Tobacco Reduction Strategy –
This evaluation is an ongoing multiyear effort that supports learning throughout the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport youth engagement initiative from its initiation, through initial roll-out and full implementation. Related publication
This study evaluates the success of Ontario’s smoking cessation system in promoting and supporting quit attempts by low socio-economic status (SES) adult smokers. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Low SES Adult Smokers (Volume
This study evaluates the success of Ontario’s smoking cessation system in promoting and supporting quit attempts by low socio-economic status (SES) adult smokers. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Low SES Adult Smokers (Volume
This study evaluates the success of Ontario’s smoking cessation system in promoting and supporting quit attempts by low socio-economic status (SES) adult smokers. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Low SES Adult Smokers (Volume
This study evaluates the success of Ontario’s smoking cessation system in promoting and supporting quit attempts by low socio-economic status (SES) adult smokers. Related publications: What Key Informants Say about Cessation Services For Low Socioeco
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Young Men (Volume 2 Number 1) W
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Young Men (Volume 2 Number 1) W
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Young Men (Volume 2 Number 1) O
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: What Key Informants Say About Cessation Services for Young Men (Vo
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas