Drawing upon material in the first two reports in this series, the third report assesses the progress made toward the overall goals of the strategy and discusses the implications of findings for future advancements in tobacco control. Related publica
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Young Men (Volume 2 Number 1) O
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: What Key Informants Say About Cessation Services for Young Men (Vo
Indicators of Smoke-Free Ontario Progress is the second report in the Monitoring and Evaluation Series. The main sections in this second report are organized according to Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy goals of prevention, cessation, and protection. The
In 2006, a vision for smoking cessation in Ontario was developed, providing a basis for evaluating the adequacy of the existing system. Those responsible for tobacco control need protocols to assess and plan local systems consistent with this vision.
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
Health professionals can and should play a key role in smoking cessation and evidence shows that many consider it their role to advise smokers to quit. Less is known about smokers’ views on the role of health professionals. This Update assesses Ontar
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This report highlights project activity and summarizes key indicators of progress towards Smoke-Free Ontario’s goals, and concludes by considering the implications of the evidence. This report considers evidence that is presented in more detail elsew
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
The Ontario Tobacco Research Unit’s free online course, Tobacco and Public Health: From Theory to Practice, provides comprehensive, evidence-based information on tobacco control science, policy and practice to the Canadian tobacco control community.
Indicators of Smoke-Free Ontario Progress is the second of three reports in this year’s Monitoring and Evaluation Series.The main sections in this second report have been organized according to Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy goals of prevention, cessati
The Tobacco Control Environment: Ontario and Beyond is the first of three reports in this year’s Monitoring and Evaluation Series. This first report describes tobacco control initiatives in Canadian provinces and territories, especially those that to
Nicotine addiction is considered a major impediment to quitting smoking. Some investigators believe that the proportion of heavily addicted (or “hardcore”) smokers in the population will increase as more smokers give up smoking. But are heavily addic
The Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (OTRU) has recently developed a new online tobacco control course entitled Tobacco and Public Health: From Theory to Practice. This Update describes this free-of-charge course that addresses the tobacco control commu
This report is organized around the three objectives of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS) adopted by the OTS Steering Committee in 2003-2004. In each section of this report dealing with a Strategy goal, we consider the public health impact of projec
The Ontario Tobacco Research Unit has launched a new provincial survey monitoring tobacco use and opinions about tobacco control to inform the progress of the Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy. The Ontario Tobacco Survey is a major cross-sectional and pane
This report provides a presentation of quantitative data from a variety of surveys and other sources measuring recent progress in in the different goal areas of tobacco control in Ontario. Related Publications: 11th Annual Monitoring Report: The Toba
This Update highlights indicators of progress in Ontario strategy goals of prevention, cessation, and protection reported in the 2004-2005 Monitoring and Evaluation Series.
The number of tobacco control initiatives is growing across the province, country, and world. This report provides an overview of tobacco control strategies, funding, and initiatives in addition to information about the tobacco industry in Canada. Re
Now that nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), in the form of gum and patches, is sold in Canadian pharmacies without prescription, pharmacists may be the first or only health professional smokers consult when using this method to quit smoking. This Up
Abstract Background: Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is now available without prescription, and pharmacists have an opportunity to be the primary health care professionals advising patients who want to try this smoking cessation aid. Undergraduate
Abstract Background: Pharmacists can be effective in helping patients to quit smoking, and opportunities for such interaction have been facilitated by legislative change making nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) available without prescription in Cana
Abstract Purpose: To determine the impact of smoking cessation on lung cancer mortality among women. Methods: Survival analysis is used to assess the effect of smoking cessation on lung cancer death in the dietary cohort of 49,165 women aged 40 to 59
This report is the final instalment of the annual four-part series on monitoring and evaluation initiated by the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (OTRU) two years ago. OTS Progress and Implications discusses the evidence presented in the three earlier n
This report presents quantitative data from a variety of surveys and other sources measuring recent progress in tobacco control in Ontario. Related Publications: 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Preface 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Main Table of Cont
This section describes the accomplishments of Community Grant projects funded through an RFP process conducted in April of 2002. All of these projects were funded for the latter part of 2002-2003 and all of 2003-2004. Related Publications: 10th Annua
Project descriptions in this section were compiled by OTRU from material submitted by the province wide projects describing their activities and accomplishments ending March 2004. The assessments that follow each description were prepared by OTRU, ba
This report forms part of the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit’s (OTRU’s) tenth annual review of progress in tobacco control. It is the second of four reports to describe the progress of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS) during the fiscal year ended Ma
This report provides an overview of an environmental scan of smoking cessation programs and services as identified by health units across Ontario for the period January 2003 to December 2003. The collected information is intended to help inform provi
The Tobacco Control Environment: Ontario and Beyond is the first of four reports in this year’s Monitoring and Evaluation Series. This first report provides contextual information for the monitoring and evaluation of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS
This report considers evidence presented in more detail elsewhere, particularly in Nos. 2 and 3 of Volume 9 of OTRU’s annual Monitoring and Evaluation series. A section devoted to each objective uses key indicators to summarize the current status and
This report provides a a presentation of quantitative data from a variety of surveys and other sources measuring recent progress in tobacco control in Ontario. Related Publications: 9th Annual Monitoring Report: Tobacco Control Highlights: Ontario an
This report forms part of the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit’s (OTRU’s) ninth annual review of progress in tobacco control. It is the second of four reports to describe the progress of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS) during the fiscal year ended Ma
This Special Report is designed to stimulate discussion on the creation of a population strategy to reduce the future health and economic burden of tobacco use among current tobacco users in Canada, and offers a set of potential goals, objectives, ac
This is the first of two papers designed to provoke discussion on the creation of a national strategy to help current tobacco users. It begins with sections designed to show why a national strategy is warranted. This is followed by a brief profile of