With limited population-level research, myths about smoking cessation persist. Research from the Ontario Tobacco Survey (OTS) has improved our understanding of smoking cessation in the general population. Key facts and findings are summarized, includ
Abstract: Tobacco use is still the leading cause of preventable death in Canada and is a leading cause of preventable morbidity and mortality worldwide. Tobacco use has declined in Canada from 50% in the 1960s to 19% in 2013, but the rate of decline
Abstract Background: As regulation of tobacco products tightens, there are concerns that illicit markets may develop to supply restricted products. However, there are few validated measures to assess attitudes or purchase intentions toward contraband
Research demonstrates that many factors are associated with contraband tobacco use, including: easy access, misconceptions about “legal” purchase of cigarettes from First Nations’ Reserves, insufficient enforcement and penalties, and organized crimin
Abstract Contraband tobacco has been and continues to be a global public health policy concern, with special manifestations in Canada. Over the past 20 years, in two noteworthy instances the Canadian government has battled contraband – in the early 1
This update is based on excerpts from the tobacco summary section of the report, Drug Use among Ontario Students, 1977-2009: Detailed OSDUHS Findings. The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey (OSDUHS) is
This report provides a summary of a more extensive knowledge synthesis that presents information on a wide-range of tobacco anti-contraband measures, in an effort to ascertain the relative effectiveness of various policy measures for addressing contr
This report is a knowledge synthesis of what is known about the contraband tobacco market globally and the policies in place to help curb it. Given the many different forms of contraband and the ease with which the source can change in response to po
The effectiveness of tobacco taxation to discourage smoking can be undermined by the widespread availability of contraband tobacco. Data from the Ontario Tobacco Survey are used to estimate the extent of purchasing contraband cigarettes on reserves i
Abstract Aims: Non‐First Nations people purchasing cigarettes on First Nations reserves do not pay applicable taxes. We estimated prevalence and identified correlates of purchasing contraband cigarettes on reserves; we also quantified the share of co
This report documents the scope of the contraband cigarette market in Ontario and quantifies the extent of use and the financial impact on tax revenues of one source of contraband tobacco products – cigarettes purchased on First Nations reserves. The