Substantial government funding is necessary if tobacco control strategies are to be effective in reducing tobacco related illness and death. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2007) recommends sustained tobacco control funding
Abstract This article provides a case study of the development and implementation of an online performance monitoring system to support accountability and management of programs funded by a $ 60 million tobacco control strategy. System implementation
Comprehensive tobacco control includes age-related restrictions on access to tobacco products. These restrictions target young people who, as a group, are vulnerable to smoking initiation. This update reviews youth access provisions by provincial, te
This study evaluates the success of Ontario’s smoking cessation system in promoting and supporting quit attempts by low socio-economic status (SES) adult smokers. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Low SES Adult Smokers (Volume
Taxation is a policy tool used to increase the retail price of tobacco products in order to decrease their economic accessibility. Surveys of Canadian adults show a positive relationship between higher cigarette price and the odds of being a nonsmoke
Comprehensive tobacco control includes prohibition of tobacco sales in specific places in order to decrease the physical availability of tobacco products. A key aspect of availability is outlet density, meaning how many places sell tobacco per unit o
There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. In addition to causing heart disease, cancer and premature death in nonsmoking adults, secondhand premature death in nonsmoking adults, secondhand smoke also causes sudden infant death syndrome,
This study evaluates the success of Ontario’s smoking cessation system in promoting and supporting quit attempts by low socio-economic status (SES) adult smokers. Related publications: What Key Informants Say about Cessation Services For Low Socioeco
The Future of Household Telephone Surveys on Tobacco: Methodological and Contextual Issues is the full report of the concurrent working session of the Ontario Tobacco Control Conference: Tobacco Control for the 21st Century: Challenges in Research an
Household telephone surveys provide an important tobacco-control tool for research, monitoring and evaluation, and policy-making, but declining response rates of surveys and various measurement issues are undermining the quality and utility of survey
OTRU has updated two tobacco database resources for the design and conduct of studies related to tobacco and tobacco control – the Directory of Public Use Data on Tobacco Use in Canada and the Searchable Database of Questionnaire Items from Populatio
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Young Men (Volume 2 Number 1) W
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Young Men (Volume 2 Number 1) W
Drawing upon material in the first two reports in this series, the third report assesses the progress made toward the overall goals of the strategy and discusses the implications of findings for future advancements in tobacco control. Related publica
Comprehensive tobacco control includes age-related restrictions on access to tobacco products. Youth access restrictions reduce the availability of tobacco to young people who, as a group, are known to be vulnerable to smoking initiation (Ahmad and B
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Young Men (Volume 2 Number 1) O
Abstract Population-based samples of smokers are necessary for tobacco behavior monitoring and surveillance and for evaluating tobacco control programs and policies. We evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of a simple, one question screener as a
Substantial and stable government funding is necessary if tobacco control strategies are to be effective in reducing tobacco-related illness and death. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2007) recommends sustained tobacco control fu
Comprehensive tobacco control policy includes prohibition of tobacco sales in specific places in order to decrease physical availability. Physical availability can be measured in terms of outlet density, meaning how many places sell tobacco per unit
Taxation is a policy tool used to increase the retail price of tobacco products thereby decreasing their economic accessibility. Increased price of cigarettes has been shown to be effective in reducing smoking prevalence among young persons. For exam
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: What Key Informants Say About Cessation Services for Young Men (Vo
Indicators of Smoke-Free Ontario Progress is the second report in the Monitoring and Evaluation Series. The main sections in this second report are organized according to Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy goals of prevention, cessation, and protection. The
In 2006, a vision for smoking cessation in Ontario was developed, providing a basis for evaluating the adequacy of the existing system. Those responsible for tobacco control need protocols to assess and plan local systems consistent with this vision.
The Youth Action Alliance program (YAA) is a key component of Smoke-Free Ontario youth prevention programming. This Special Report, produced by members of OTRU’s evaluation team, provides a formative evaluation of the YAA program including a descript
Research shows there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Concentrations can be especially high in cars (Sendzik et al. 2008). In addition to causing heart disease, cancer and premature death in nonsmoking adults, secondhand smoke also c
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This report highlights project activity and summarizes key indicators of progress towards Smoke-Free Ontario’s goals, and concludes by considering the implications of the evidence. This report considers evidence that is presented in more detail elsew
There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. This Update outlines legislation to reduce or eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke in various locations in Ontario. Protection from secondhand smoke in Ontario is comparable to that of other C
This is the third in a series of reports about the formative evaluation of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA). The design of the formative evaluation includes three province-wide compliance surveys of randomly selected tobacco vendors and public place
Taxation is a policy tool used to increase the retail price of tobacco products thereby decreasing their economic availability. This update outlines Ontario’s commitment to raise taxes on tobacco products and compares the Ontario levels of taxation w
As part of the goal area of prevention, comprehensive tobacco control policy includes restrictions on youth access to tobacco products. Age-related tobacco legislation is a means of curtailing the availability of tobacco to a demographic group which
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
Substantial and stable funding on the part of government is a necessary condition for an effective tobacco control strategy. Under the Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy, Ontario has substantially increased funding commitments dedicated to tobacco control.
Comprehensive tobacco control policy includes restrictions on the sale of tobacco from a range of retail sources.The purpose of this type of policy is to decrease the availability, promotion and use of tobacco products while at the same time encourag
The retail environment acts as an inducement to smoking not only by virtue of the physical availability of tobacco products but also by means of visual cues that signal, support, and normalize this availability.Recognizing the danger to public health
This is the second in a series of reports about the formative evaluation of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA). The design of the formative evaluation includes three province-wide compliance surveys of randomly selected tobacco vendors and public plac
In response to the demand for accountability and performance management information, OTRU is developing a performance reporting system. This Update describes the development of the Performance Indicators Monitoring system (PIMS). PIMS is designed for