Indicators of Smoke-Free Ontario Progress is the second report in the Monitoring and Evaluation Series. The main sections in this second report are organized according to Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy goals of prevention, cessation, and protection. The
This study evaluates the success of Ontario’s smoking cessation system in promoting and supporting quit attempts by low socio-economic status (SES) adult smokers. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Low SES Adult Smokers (Volume
This study evaluates the success of Ontario’s smoking cessation system in promoting and supporting quit attempts by low socio-economic status (SES) adult smokers. Related publications: What Key Informants Say about Cessation Services For Low Socioeco
Abstract Objective: To determine if bar workers are adequately protected from secondhand smoke by an Act that prohibits indoor smoking in public workplaces, including bars and restaurants, but allows smoking on unenclosed contiguous patios. Methods:
This report provides a summary of a more extensive knowledge synthesis that presents information on a wide-range of tobacco anti-contraband measures, in an effort to ascertain the relative effectiveness of various policy measures for addressing contr
This report is a knowledge synthesis of what is known about the contraband tobacco market globally and the policies in place to help curb it. Given the many different forms of contraband and the ease with which the source can change in response to po
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Young Men (Volume 2 Number 1) W
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Young Men (Volume 2 Number 1) W
Drawing upon material in the first two reports in this series, the third report assesses the progress made toward the overall goals of the strategy and discusses the implications of findings for future advancements in tobacco control. Related publica
Long-term comprehensive tobacco control programs are successful in preventing smoking acquisition and helping smokers quit, but there must be ongoing funding for sustained programming to maintain effects. This Update looks at the effects of funding c
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: Smoking and Quitting Behaviours of Young Men (Volume 2 Number 1) O
This series reports on an evaluation study to assess quitting behaviours of young male smokers and the extent of cessation services available to them in Ontario. Related publications: What Key Informants Say About Cessation Services for Young Men (Vo
Indicators of Smoke-Free Ontario Progress is the second report in the Monitoring and Evaluation Series. The main sections in this second report are organized according to Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy goals of prevention, cessation, and protection. The
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This report presents the findings of a study examining levels of Tobacco Smoke Pollution in cars (TSP, also known as second-hand smoke or environmental tobacco smoke). TSP has been identified as a serious public health threat. Although there has been
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
Monitoring public support for restrictions on smoking may help policy makers make effective decisions about tobacco control policies that will benefit the community as a whole. This Update presents public opinion data on trends in support by Ontarian
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
This report highlights project activity and summarizes key indicators of progress towards Smoke-Free Ontario’s goals, and concludes by considering the implications of the evidence. This report considers evidence that is presented in more detail elsew
This series summarizes findings from a pilot study to test a systematic approach to understanding what cessation services are and are not available at local levels and assess the feasibility of developing a comprehensive regional cessation system bas
Bans on the display of tobacco products at the point of sale are expected to result in decreased rates of smoking initiation among young people, decreased rates of smoking in the general population and fewer relapses among quitters. This update revie
Indicators of Smoke-Free Ontario Progress is the second of three reports in this year’s Monitoring and Evaluation Series.The main sections in this second report have been organized according to Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy goals of prevention, cessati
The Tobacco Control Environment: Ontario and Beyond is the first of three reports in this year’s Monitoring and Evaluation Series. This first report describes tobacco control initiatives in Canadian provinces and territories, especially those that to
The 2006 Smoke-Free Ontario Act prohibits smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces, including company vehicles, but exempts private vehicles. This Update presents Ontarian public opinion data on support for bans on smoking in vehicles car
This report is organized around the three objectives of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS) adopted by the OTS Steering Committee in 2003-2004. In each section of this report dealing with a Strategy goal, we consider the public health impact of projec
This report provides an overview of an environmental scan of tobacco use prevention programs and services identified by health departments across Ontario for the period of April 1, 2004 – March 31, 2005. The collected information is intended to help
As of May 31, 2006, all enclosed workplaces in Ontario will be smoke-free. While this provision of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act is being enacted to protect the health of nonsmokers, research suggests that it will also benefit smokers. Judging by studie
This report provides a presentation of quantitative data from a variety of surveys and other sources measuring recent progress in in the different goal areas of tobacco control in Ontario. Related Publications: 11th Annual Monitoring Report: The Toba
This Update highlights indicators of progress in Ontario strategy goals of prevention, cessation, and protection reported in the 2004-2005 Monitoring and Evaluation Series.
The number of tobacco control initiatives is growing across the province, country, and world. This report provides an overview of tobacco control strategies, funding, and initiatives in addition to information about the tobacco industry in Canada. Re
This report is the final instalment of the annual four-part series on monitoring and evaluation initiated by the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (OTRU) two years ago. OTS Progress and Implications discusses the evidence presented in the three earlier n
This report presents quantitative data from a variety of surveys and other sources measuring recent progress in tobacco control in Ontario. Related Publications: 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Preface 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Main Table of Cont
This section describes the accomplishments of Community Grant projects funded through an RFP process conducted in April of 2002. All of these projects were funded for the latter part of 2002-2003 and all of 2003-2004. Related Publications: 10th Annua
Project descriptions in this section were compiled by OTRU from material submitted by the province wide projects describing their activities and accomplishments ending March 2004. The assessments that follow each description were prepared by OTRU, ba
This report forms part of the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit’s (OTRU’s) tenth annual review of progress in tobacco control. It is the second of four reports to describe the progress of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS) during the fiscal year ended Ma
The Tobacco Control Environment: Ontario and Beyond is the first of four reports in this year’s Monitoring and Evaluation Series. This first report provides contextual information for the monitoring and evaluation of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS
Adult smoking behaviour is known to be associated with restrictions on smoking, and this is true in both public places and workplaces. In the general adult population, the more extensive the restrictions on public smoking, the fewer the smokers, and