This report is intended to provide contextual information for the monitoring of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS) for the reporting year April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2002. The first section outlines the most significant developments in tobacco control
School-based smoking prevention programs have been a major focus of efforts to address the problem of smoking among youth and the cost-effectiveness of school-based programs of even modest impact have been demonstrated. Unfortunately, evaluations of
Il faut intensifier les efforts de lutte contre le tabagisme. Il y a toujours d’importantes occasions stratégiques à saisir. De plus, certains groupes cibles d’une importance critique ont été laissés de côté. Related Publications: 7th Annual Monitori
A more intensive tobacco control effort is called for, with funding increasing from current levels to amounts approaching internationally recognized standards. Major strategic opportunities remain, and critical target groups have yet to be addressed.
This Report covers the period April 2000-March 2001 and is the seventh annual report from the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (OTRU) to monitor the progress of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS). Related Publications: 7th Annual Monitoring Report: Prog
This report reviews what several U.S. jurisdictions are doing with respect to evaluating comprehensive tobacco control programs. The authors find an extensive array of evaluation activity taking place in select U.S. jurisdictions. Typically, programs
This update summarizes the findings of a special report prepared by the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit that examines comprehensive tobacco control programs in leading U.S. jurisdictions. The report focuses on evaluation infrastructure and methodologie
Le présent rapport de surveillance, qui constitue le sixième rapport annuel, décrit les progrès réalisés en vue d’atteindre les objectifs de la Stratégie antitabac de l’Ontario (SAO). Related Publications: 6th Annual Monitoring Report: Progress Towar
This Monitoring Report, the sixth in an annual series, describes progress toward the goals of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS). Related Publications: 6th Annual Monitoring Report: Progress Toward Our Goals 6th Annual Monitoring Report: Progress Tow
This Monitoring Report, the sixth in an annual series, describes progress toward the goals of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS). While not a formal evaluation, the report provides a context for reviewing the OTS in Chapter 1, provides quantitative d
This Executive Summary of the Monitoring Report, the fifth in an annual series, gives an overview of progress toward the goals of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy. Related publication: 5th Annual Monitoring Report: Progress Toward Our Goals
This Monitoring Report, the fifth in an annual series, describes progress toward the goals of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy. While not a formal evaluation of the Strategy, the report provides a context for reviewing the OTS (Chapter 1), summarizes the
In order to strengthen and confirm Ontario’s commitment to tobacco use reduction, in December 1998, the Minister of Health appointed an advisory panel of experts in the fields of epidemiology, public health, the social sciences and medicine to recomm