Comprehensive tobacco control includes prohibition of tobacco sales in specific places in order to decrease the physical availability of tobacco products. This Update discusses current legislation in Ontario about where tobacco products can be sold,
This update reviews current bans under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act and concludes that protection from secondhand smoke in Ontario is comparable to that of other Canadian jurisdictions, except for those with a complete ban on smoking on open patios. Th
This newsletter presents summary findings on tobacco use, cessation, prevention and protection from the Comprehensive Mid-Term Strategy Progress Report (the Mid-Term Report). The information presented provides an overview only. Related publications:
OTRU’s Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy Evaluation Report provides a comprehensive review of the progress of the province’s tobacco control initiatives. Ontario’s investment in the Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy is bearing fruit. The Smoke-Free Ontario Act p
OTRU’s Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy Evaluation Report Executive Summary provides a synposis of the report’s comprehensive review of the progress of the province’s tobacco control initiatives. Related publications: Prohibition of Tobacco Sales In Speci
This newsletter presents a summary of the evaluation plan for the Saskatchewan Tobacco Reduction Strategy. Related publications: Evaluating the Saskatchewan Tobacco Reduction Strategy – Issue 2 Evaluating the Saskatchewan Tobacco Reduction Strategy –
Abstract Introduction: An unintended consequence of indoor smoking restrictions is the relocation of smoking to building entrances, where non-smokers may be exposed to secondhand smoke, and smoke from outdoor areas may drift through entrances, exposi
Taxation is a policy tool used to increase the retail price of tobacco products in order to decrease their economic accessibility. This update summarizes the amount of tax on cigarettes and roll your own tobacco by provincial, territorial and federal
There is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke. Even brief exposure can trigger asthma attacks in children, and exposure can have immediate negative health impacts in adults including general respiratory and eye irritation, asthma symptoms, and
Comprehensive tobacco control includes prohibition of tobacco sales in specific places in order to decrease the physical availability of tobacco products. A key aspect of availability is outlet density, meaning how many places sell tobacco per unit o
The Smoke-Free Ontario-Scientific Advisory Committee (SFO-SAC) report, Evidence to Guide Action: Comprehensive Tobacco Control in Ontario, outlines exciting new evidence-informed approaches to moving tobacco control to the next critical stage. Includ
This is the report of the Tobacco Strategy Advisory Group, established by the Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport in March 2009, to inform the Ontario Government’s New Directions in Tobacco Control 5-year plan. The recommendations for a comprehens
In Canada, tobacco control practices, programs and policies occur at the national, provincial and local levels. While federal, provincial and territorial governments play an important role through the provision of strategic direction and funding and
Abstract This paper identifies factors that influence where people smoke outdoors and examines the impact of smoking on people who use outdoor public places. Direct observations of smoking at 12 outdoor public places and semi-structured interviews wi
There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. In addition to causing heart disease, cancer and premature death in nonsmoking adults, secondhand premature death in nonsmoking adults, secondhand smoke also causes sudden infant death syndrome,
This report presents the findings of a survey on tobacco control activities in Canada’s public health units and health authorities. The report explores successful tobacco control practices, programs and policies relating to prevention, cessation, pro
This is the fourth in a series of reports about the formative evaluation of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA). The design of the formative evaluation of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act comprises four components that include a province-wide compliance surv
Abstract Background: The Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA) came into effect in May 2006 and included restrictions to outdoor hospitality areas by only permitting smoking on a patio if the area had no roof. Objectives: (1) To assess the impact of the SFOA
Editorial On the 24 March, the tobacco advisory group of the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) in England published its report on passive smoking and children. The report details the effects of exposure to secondhand smoke in children and includes a
Abstract Many studies have evaluated the impact of indoor smoking bans on secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure. No studies have assessed the impact of a smoking ban on SHS in enclosed areas outside separately ventilated, designated smoking rooms (DSRs). T
Abstract Objective: To examine the relationship between physicians’ tobacco-related medical training and physicians’ confidence in their tobacco-related skills and smoking-related interventions with parents of child patients. Design: Mail
Indicators of Smoke-Free Ontario Progress is the second report in the Monitoring and Evaluation Series. The main sections in this second report are organized according to Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy goals of prevention, cessation, and protection. The
Comprehensive tobacco control includes prohibition of tobacco sales in specific places in order to decrease the physical availability of tobacco products. A key aspect of availability is outlet density, meaning how many places sell tobacco per unit o
There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. In addition to causing heart disease, cancer and premature death in nonsmoking adults, secondhand premature death in nonsmoking adults, secondhand smoke also causes sudden infant death syndrome,
Abstract Objective: To determine if bar workers are adequately protected from secondhand smoke by an Act that prohibits indoor smoking in public workplaces, including bars and restaurants, but allows smoking on unenclosed contiguous patios. Methods:
Abstract The home is a significant source of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure for many children and, therefore, increasingly a focus of intervention, although evidence of effectiveness remains equivocal. However, little is known about the n
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the impact of an indoor smoke-free bylaw in Toronto, Ontario, implemented June 2004. Methods: We used a pre-post comparison design to assess secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure among 79 eligible bar workers in Toronto, Ont
Most nonsmokers in Canada and the United States are protected from secondhand smoke exposure at work and in indoor public places, but many are still exposed to smoke entering their homes from neighbouring dwellings, shared indoor spaces, ventilation
Drawing upon material in the first two reports in this series, the third report assesses the progress made toward the overall goals of the strategy and discusses the implications of findings for future advancements in tobacco control. Related publica
Comprehensive tobacco control policy includes prohibition of tobacco sales in specific places in order to decrease physical availability. Physical availability can be measured in terms of outlet density, meaning how many places sell tobacco per unit
Indicators of Smoke-Free Ontario Progress is the second report in the Monitoring and Evaluation Series. The main sections in this second report are organized according to Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy goals of prevention, cessation, and protection. The
Research shows there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Concentrations can be especially high in cars (Sendzik et al. 2008). In addition to causing heart disease, cancer and premature death in nonsmoking adults, secondhand smoke also c
This report presents the findings of a study examining levels of Tobacco Smoke Pollution in cars (TSP, also known as second-hand smoke or environmental tobacco smoke). TSP has been identified as a serious public health threat. Although there has been
Monitoring public support for restrictions on smoking may help policy makers make effective decisions about tobacco control policies that will benefit the community as a whole. This Update presents public opinion data on trends in support by Ontarian
This report highlights project activity and summarizes key indicators of progress towards Smoke-Free Ontario’s goals, and concludes by considering the implications of the evidence. This report considers evidence that is presented in more detail elsew
There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. This Update outlines legislation to reduce or eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke in various locations in Ontario. Protection from secondhand smoke in Ontario is comparable to that of other C
This is the third in a series of reports about the formative evaluation of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA). The design of the formative evaluation includes three province-wide compliance surveys of randomly selected tobacco vendors and public place
This is the second in a series of reports about the formative evaluation of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA). The design of the formative evaluation includes three province-wide compliance surveys of randomly selected tobacco vendors and public plac
The Ontario Tobacco Research Unit’s free online course, Tobacco and Public Health: From Theory to Practice, provides comprehensive, evidence-based information on tobacco control science, policy and practice to the Canadian tobacco control community.
Indicators of Smoke-Free Ontario Progress is the second of three reports in this year’s Monitoring and Evaluation Series.The main sections in this second report have been organized according to Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy goals of prevention, cessati