This report documents the scope of the contraband cigarette market in Ontario and quantifies the extent of use and the financial impact on tax revenues of one source of contraband tobacco products – cigarettes purchased on First Nations reserves. The
Taxation is a policy tool used to increase the retail price of tobacco products thereby decreasing their economic availability. This update outlines Ontario’s commitment to raise taxes on tobacco products and compares the Ontario levels of taxation w
As part of the goal area of prevention, comprehensive tobacco control policy includes restrictions on youth access to tobacco products. Age-related tobacco legislation is a means of curtailing the availability of tobacco to a demographic group which
Substantial and stable funding on the part of government is a necessary condition for an effective tobacco control strategy. Under the Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy, Ontario has substantially increased funding commitments dedicated to tobacco control.
Comprehensive tobacco control policy includes restrictions on the sale of tobacco from a range of retail sources.The purpose of this type of policy is to decrease the availability, promotion and use of tobacco products while at the same time encourag
The retail environment acts as an inducement to smoking not only by virtue of the physical availability of tobacco products but also by means of visual cues that signal, support, and normalize this availability.Recognizing the danger to public health
In response to the demand for accountability and performance management information, OTRU is developing a performance reporting system. This Update describes the development of the Performance Indicators Monitoring system (PIMS). PIMS is designed for
The issue of tobacco industry funding of research is both important and controversial. It is important because of the science gaps and funding realities, and controversial because of past and current tobacco industry funding mechanisms have been used
Indicators of Smoke-Free Ontario Progress is the second of three reports in this year’s Monitoring and Evaluation Series.The main sections in this second report have been organized according to Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy goals of prevention, cessati
The Tobacco Control Environment: Ontario and Beyond is the first of three reports in this year’s Monitoring and Evaluation Series. This first report describes tobacco control initiatives in Canadian provinces and territories, especially those that to
Tobacco control mass media campaigns are key elements of comprehensive tobacco control strategies. In Canada, mass media campaigns have been identified as important components of both the Federal Tobacco Control strategy and the Smoke-Free Ontario st
This report is organized around the three objectives of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS) adopted by the OTS Steering Committee in 2003-2004. In each section of this report dealing with a Strategy goal, we consider the public health impact of projec
This report provides a presentation of quantitative data from a variety of surveys and other sources measuring recent progress in in the different goal areas of tobacco control in Ontario. Related Publications: 11th Annual Monitoring Report: The Toba
This Update highlights indicators of progress in Ontario strategy goals of prevention, cessation, and protection reported in the 2004-2005 Monitoring and Evaluation Series.
With the help of many of our Investigators and Affiliates across the province, our Principal Investigator team began work in the summer of 2005 on a research plan to identify tobacco control questions and issues of priority that can be addressed thro
The number of tobacco control initiatives is growing across the province, country, and world. This report provides an overview of tobacco control strategies, funding, and initiatives in addition to information about the tobacco industry in Canada. Re
This report is the final instalment of the annual four-part series on monitoring and evaluation initiated by the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (OTRU) two years ago. OTS Progress and Implications discusses the evidence presented in the three earlier n
This report presents quantitative data from a variety of surveys and other sources measuring recent progress in tobacco control in Ontario. Related Publications: 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Preface 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Main Table of Cont
This section describes the accomplishments of Community Grant projects funded through an RFP process conducted in April of 2002. All of these projects were funded for the latter part of 2002-2003 and all of 2003-2004. Related Publications: 10th Annua
Project descriptions in this section were compiled by OTRU from material submitted by the province wide projects describing their activities and accomplishments ending March 2004. The assessments that follow each description were prepared by OTRU, ba
This report forms part of the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit’s (OTRU’s) tenth annual review of progress in tobacco control. It is the second of four reports to describe the progress of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS) during the fiscal year ended Ma
The Tobacco Control Environment: Ontario and Beyond is the first of four reports in this year’s Monitoring and Evaluation Series. This first report provides contextual information for the monitoring and evaluation of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS
This report considers evidence presented in more detail elsewhere, particularly in Nos. 2 and 3 of Volume 9 of OTRU’s annual Monitoring and Evaluation series. A section devoted to each objective uses key indicators to summarize the current status and
This report provides a a presentation of quantitative data from a variety of surveys and other sources measuring recent progress in tobacco control in Ontario. Related Publications: 9th Annual Monitoring Report: Tobacco Control Highlights: Ontario an
Abstract Objective: To propose and test a new classification system for characterising legislator support for various tobacco control policies. Design: Cross sectional study. Subjects: Federal and provincial legislators in Canada serving as of Octobe
This Special Report investigates the net present value of the investment in the five year comprehensive program proposed in Actions Will Speak Louder than Words, the Report to the Minister of Health (Ashley et al., 1999) and the report of the Ontario
This report forms part of the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit’s (OTRU’s) ninth annual review of progress in tobacco control. It is the second of four reports to describe the progress of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS) during the fiscal year ended Ma
This Special Report is designed to stimulate discussion on the creation of a population strategy to reduce the future health and economic burden of tobacco use among current tobacco users in Canada, and offers a set of potential goals, objectives, ac
This is the first of two papers designed to provoke discussion on the creation of a national strategy to help current tobacco users. It begins with sections designed to show why a national strategy is warranted. This is followed by a brief profile of
Significant developments took place in Ontario during 2002. Salient among these was the continued progress by local communities in passing and implementing smoke-free bylaws. An increasing number of Ontarians are now protected from the harmful effect
This report provides a largely qualitative summary of accomplishments by OTS projects funded in the previous year. Related publications: 8th Annual Monitoring Report: Tobacco Control Highlights: Ontario and Beyond 8th Annual Monitoring Report: OTS Pr
This report provides a largely qualitative summary of accomplishments by OTS projects funded in the previous year. Related publications: 8th Annual Monitoring Report: Tobacco Control Highlights: Ontario and Beyond 8th Annual Monitoring Report: OTS Pr
This report provides a largely qualitative summary of accomplishments by OTS projects funded in the previous year. Related publications: 8th Annual Monitoring Report: Tobacco Control Highlights: Ontario and Beyond 8th Annual Monitoring Report: Indica
This report is intended to provide contextual information for the monitoring of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS) for the reporting year April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2002. The first section outlines the most significant developments in tobacco control
Although recent trends in several indicators of tobacco use are positive, the individual and societal costs of smoking remain unacceptably high. More than 45,000 current and former smokers die each year in Canada due to smoking, and dollar costs attr
Il faut intensifier les efforts de lutte contre le tabagisme. Il y a toujours d’importantes occasions stratégiques à saisir. De plus, certains groupes cibles d’une importance critique ont été laissés de côté. Related Publications: 7th Annual Monitori
A more intensive tobacco control effort is called for, with funding increasing from current levels to amounts approaching internationally recognized standards. Major strategic opportunities remain, and critical target groups have yet to be addressed.
This Report covers the period April 2000-March 2001 and is the seventh annual report from the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (OTRU) to monitor the progress of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS). Related Publications: 7th Annual Monitoring Report: Prog