Abstract Objective: Although most research on drugs and driving has focused on the use of alcohol and cannabis, research that has been conducted on cigarette smoking and collisions has found that smokers have an increased collision involvement. Studi
Abstract Research has shown that tobacco users have an increased risk of collisions compared to nonsmokers. Studies from 1967 through 2013 documented a crude relative risk of collision involvement of about 1.5 among smokers compared to nonsmokers. In
This update provides a brief overview of smoking prevalence and exposure to secondhand smoke in Ontario based on the findings of the recently released 2013 Canadian Community Health Survey. The last significant change in smoking prevalence was betwee
This report presents the findings of a study examining levels of Tobacco Smoke Pollution in cars (TSP, also known as second-hand smoke or environmental tobacco smoke). TSP has been identified as a serious public health threat. Although there has been
There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. This Update outlines legislation to reduce or eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke in various locations in Ontario. Protection from secondhand smoke in Ontario is comparable to that of other C
The 2006 Smoke-Free Ontario Act prohibits smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces, including company vehicles, but exempts private vehicles. This Update presents Ontarian public opinion data on support for bans on smoking in vehicles car