This report provides a largely qualitative summary of accomplishments by OTS projects funded in the previous year. Related publications: 8th Annual Monitoring Report: Tobacco Control Highlights: Ontario and Beyond 8th Annual Monitoring Report: OTS Pr
This report provides a largely qualitative summary of accomplishments by OTS projects funded in the previous year. Related publications: 8th Annual Monitoring Report: Tobacco Control Highlights: Ontario and Beyond 8th Annual Monitoring Report: OTS Pr
Between May 2000 and December 2000, population-based data were collected by telephone interview with 1,285 Ontario residents 18 years or older regarding perceptions of environmental tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke) and exposure in the home and smokin
This report provides a largely qualitative summary of accomplishments by OTS projects funded in the previous year. Related publications: 8th Annual Monitoring Report: Tobacco Control Highlights: Ontario and Beyond 8th Annual Monitoring Report: Indica
This report is intended to provide contextual information for the monitoring of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS) for the reporting year April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2002. The first section outlines the most significant developments in tobacco control
Although recent trends in several indicators of tobacco use are positive, the individual and societal costs of smoking remain unacceptably high. More than 45,000 current and former smokers die each year in Canada due to smoking, and dollar costs attr
School-based smoking prevention programs have been a major focus of efforts to address the problem of smoking among youth and the cost-effectiveness of school-based programs of even modest impact have been demonstrated. Unfortunately, evaluations of