This report presents quantitative data from a variety of surveys and other sources measuring recent progress in tobacco control in Ontario. Related Publications: 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Preface 10th Annual Monitoring Report: Main Table of Cont
This section describes the accomplishments of Community Grant projects funded through an RFP process conducted in April of 2002. All of these projects were funded for the latter part of 2002-2003 and all of 2003-2004. Related Publications: 10th Annua
Project descriptions in this section were compiled by OTRU from material submitted by the province wide projects describing their activities and accomplishments ending March 2004. The assessments that follow each description were prepared by OTRU, ba
This report forms part of the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit’s (OTRU’s) tenth annual review of progress in tobacco control. It is the second of four reports to describe the progress of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS) during the fiscal year ended Ma
This report provides an overview of an environmental scan of smoking cessation programs and services as identified by health units across Ontario for the period January 2003 to December 2003. The collected information is intended to help inform provi
The Tobacco Control Environment: Ontario and Beyond is the first of four reports in this year’s Monitoring and Evaluation Series. This first report provides contextual information for the monitoring and evaluation of the Ontario Tobacco Strategy (OTS
Adult smoking behaviour is known to be associated with restrictions on smoking, and this is true in both public places and workplaces. In the general adult population, the more extensive the restrictions on public smoking, the fewer the smokers, and
Abstract Background: The tobacco industry uses various strategies to promote itself as a socially responsible, ethical industry, including establishing links with health institutions and medical research. The purpose of this study was to identify the
This update provides tips on writing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time limited outcome objectives to help us to understand and communicate to others how we anticipate that our projects and services will contribute to the broader an
This report considers evidence presented in more detail elsewhere, particularly in Nos. 2 and 3 of Volume 9 of OTRU’s annual Monitoring and Evaluation series. A section devoted to each objective uses key indicators to summarize the current status and
This report provides a a presentation of quantitative data from a variety of surveys and other sources measuring recent progress in tobacco control in Ontario. Related Publications: 9th Annual Monitoring Report: Tobacco Control Highlights: Ontario an